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        Petaum SESTHAPIYANON (Phoebe)
Membership at VRLC (2022 June - )
When Phoebe joined VRLC in June 2022, she was in her third year majoring in BBA at HKU.
Research and Video Production:
She has researched and turned one newspaper article into a video.
  • "The debt ceiling of the US government" by Dr. Y.F. LUK [ Original article (in Chinese) ] [ Video (in English) ]
----- 2022 September -----
"US Debt Ceiling and treasuries usually popped up in classes and news, but I did not have profound understanding of them. After doing research under VRLC, I have learned how government administration and the nation's economy are strongly interdependent. Upon gaining a clearer picture of these topics, building up on this knowledge and learning new things related to these topics have become easier. Plus, I have familiarized myself with data visualizations using different kinds of software."